Wild onions - use just like scallions, but these have a stronger, more complicated flavor
Spring onions - young onions pulled early - for a milder flavor, keep refrigerated.
Garlic leaf - yep, the long leaves of the garlic plant are edible! This is a great way to enjoy some garlic flavor in your meals before the garlic is actually harvested. Use fresh and salads if you want a strong flavor, great in pesto. Use in place of regular garlic and cooked meals, but add closer to the end of cooking instead of the beginning
Spring onions - these are onions pulled up a little early, it's like a cross between a bulb onion and a green onion!
Green garlic - like spring onions, this is garlic pulled up a little early it's slightly more tender and easy to work with. Keep it in the fridge and use the tops for extra punch of flavor and raw salads, and use the bottom just like you would bulb garlic